姓 名: 潘飞

职 称: 教授

研究方向: 管理会计


E-mail: panfei@shufe.edu.cn;联系方式:65908847


潘飞,现为会计学院教授、博士生导师。主要研究领域中国企业管理会计问题,先后主持国家自然与国家社科等国家与省部级课题八项,研究成果发表在《British Accounting Review》、《管理世界》、《中国会计与财务研究》等国内外会计权威期刊。为本科生讲授《成本管理会计》课程,为研究生开设课程有《高级管理会计研究》和《中国管理会计理论与实务》。潘飞于1983年加入上海财经大学会计学院担任教职,1999年从上海财经大学会计学专业取得管理学博士学位,历任会计学院讲师、副教授,并于2000年被评为教授。


Fei Pan: Male, born on August 19, 1956. He is a Professor of Accounting, PhD supervisor, Deputy Dean of School of Accountancy at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. Prof. Pan is a member of the American Accounting Association (AAA) and the Chinese Accounting Society. He serves as a director of the Chinese Accounting Professor Association, a vice president of the Shanghai Cost Research Group, and a special editor of the New Accounting magazine in the U.S. Fei Pan graduated from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics with a Bachelor degree in 1983 and obtained a PhD in Accountancy in 1998. Over the years, Prof. Pan has accumulated a wealth of experience in teaching, research, and consultancy. He has taught various undergraduate and graduate level courses including Accounting, Cost Accounting, Management Accounting, Topics in Management Accounting Research, and Financial Statements Analysis. He has been a principle investigator of a number of funded projects at the national and provincial levels, and published many papers and won numerous awards. His Cost Accounting course is selected by the Ministry of Education as a national level bilingual course and his Management Accounting is included as part of the National Quality Curriculum. Since 2000, he has received awards and honors including the Shanghai Educator Award, the National Award for Outstanding Individuals in Accounting, the Shanghai Renowned Teacher Award, and the Shanghai Excellent Teaching Team Award. Prof. Pan serves as an independent director in several list companies in China.