曹洁 博士、助理教授
2009年9月-2015年3月 西班牙IE商学院 博士
2007年9月-2009年7月 瑞典皇家理工学院
西班牙马德里理工大学 三校硕士
2000年9月-2004年7月 东南大学 学士
1. Monika Hamori, Jie Cao and Burak Koyuncu, 2012. Why top young managers are in a nonstop job hunt. Harvard Business Review, 90, 7-8. (FT 45 Journal)
2. Jie Cao and Monika Hamori, 2015. The impact of management development practices on organizational commitment. Human Resource Management, online available. (FT 45 Journal)
3. Monika Hamori, Burak Koyuncu, Jie Cao and Thomas Graf, 2015. Living the New Employment Rules: Early-Career, Highly Skilled Employees in the Workplace. MIT Sloan Management Review, forthcoming. (FT 45 Journal)
4. “How can employers benefit the most from developmental assignments? The needs-supplies fit perspective” “Modeling employee and business outcomes of work-family support policies: A multilevel approach” 2015, Academy of Management Meeting, Vancouver, Canada
5. “The impact of management development practices on organizational commitment” 2014, The First Human Resource Division International Conference (HRIC), Beijing, China
6.“Capitalizing on employee development” 2014, Workshop on Research Advances in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management, Paris, France
7. “Developmental assignments after career transitions” 2012, European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) small group meeting, Antwerp, Belgium
8. “Mind the gap: Impacts of on-the-job development and the expectation gap on organizational commitment”, Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings ,2012, Academy of Management Meeting, Boston, US
9. “Holding on to the highly-skilled: The impact of on-the-job development, the gap between development priorities and actual practices on organizational commitment”
2012, European Institute of Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) Workshop on Talent Management, Brussels, Belgium
10. “Local employees’ compensation design in foreign subsidiaries: The role of performance-orientation” 2011, Academy of Management Meeting, San Antonio, US
11. “An alternative explanation for firm’s internationalization in emerging market: The incentive by institutional legitimacy in home country” 2010, International Academy of Management and Business, Madrid, Spain