柏 杨 助教授
2005—2009 香港大学统计与精算学系 博士
2002—2005 华东师范大学统计系 硕士
1998—2002 华东师范大学统计系 学士
2009年至今 上海财经大学统计与管理学院 助教授
1. Bai, Yang, Hu, J. H. and You, J. H., Panel Data Varying-Coefficient Partially Linear Models with Both Spatially and Time-Wise Correlated Errors. Accepted by Statistica Sinica.
2. Chen, Y. P. and Bai, Yang, Correlation Structure Selection for Longitudinal Data Based on Varying-Coefficient Model. Accepted by Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics (Chinese Version).
3. Bai, Yang, Li, Rui, Huang, J. and You, J. H., Semiparametric Longitudinal Model with Irregular Time Autoregressive Error Process. Statistica Sinica: Preprint. doi:10.5705/ss.2013.073.
4. Xu, Q. F. and Bai, Yang, Efficient Estimation of Varying Coefficient Seemly Unrelated Regression Model. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, 2014, Vol. 30, No.1, 119-144.
5. Qin G. Y., Bai Yang, and Zhu Z. Y., Robust empirical likelihood inference for the parametric component in a generalized partial linear model with longitudinal data. it Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2012, 105 (1), 32-44.
6. Bai Yang, Fung W. K. and Zhu Z. Y., Weighted empirical likelihood for generalized linear
models with longitudinal data.Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2010, 140 (11),
7. Qin G. Y., Bai Yang and Zhu Z. Y., Robust empirical likelihood for longitudinal data. Statistics and Probability Letters, 2009, 79 (20), 2101-2108.
8. Bai Yang, Fung W. K. and Zhu Z. Y., Penalized quadratic inference functions for single-index
models with longitudinal data. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2009, 100 (1), 152-161.
9. Bai Yang, Zhu Z. Y. and Fung W. K., Partial linear models for longitudinal data based on
quadratic inference functions. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 2008, 35 (1), 104-118.
10. Gan, H. C. and Bai, Yang, The effect of travel time variability on route choice decision: a generalized linear mixed model based analysis. Transportation, 2014, Vol. 41, 339-350.
11. Gan H. C., Bai Y., Wei, June , Why do people change routes? Impact of information services. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2013, Vol. 113 (3), 403-422.